superheroes, black children, self-esteem, imagination, fearless, african-american kids, cartoons, comic strips, comics, black comics,
books, action, heroes, fun, t-shirts, black products
The "Power Up!" book give-away initiative started from the great response we've received from educators. Overwhelmingly, they embraced the Fearless Five concept by often times spending their own money to obtain a set of the books for their classes. We responded to their commitment to education by donating sets into their schools ourselves. Help us do more. Consider buying the books as a gift for a lucky little boy or girl in your life or your local library or a local community center or a church playroom or doctor's office.
Click to make a "Power Up!" donation today ==>
At the core of the "Power Up!" initiative are caring individuals and corporate citizens who take it upon themselves to support the goal of enhancing the self-esteem of young children by providing a donation toward our book series giveaway program and toward our efforts to develop more great content for the children. Join us today in helping the next generation to "Power Up!"
Here's a quote from an elementary school educator in Minnesota:
"Thanks so much for sending the books. I am happy to report that the Fearless Five have been a big success. My two struggling readers have moved up 2 reading levels. I believe that placing graphic novels in their hands that were of interest to them motivated them to read. They have worked hard to read their new comics, and it has been seen in other areas."
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